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looking for share mate > 부동산

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부동산 목록

골드코스트 | looking for share mate

페이지 정보

작성자 11 (132.♡.251.230) 작성일2016-04-09 21:29 조회354회 댓글0건


Hello, I am Korean but I lost my lab top yesterday, I can't type in Korean

so I will just write in English.

Looking for a share mate ( a guy ) you are going to share a room with another guy.

its very close to tram station, market and Aus fair.

and this apartment is newly built about 6 months ago.

Everything is clean and tidy and nice. you will like it i am pretty sure

just feel free to come and see

its available from 11th April for 125$ per week.

please text me if u are interested in

추천 0 비추천 0


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