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무비월드옆 옥센퍼드 독방 > 부동산

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+ 호주소식 + 교민사회(퀸즈랜드) + 사고팔기 + 구인/구직 + 부동산 + Q&A/자유게시판 + 여행/유학 + 포토갤러리 + 전문가칼럼 + 비지니스 + 업소록 + 쿠폰할인 이벤트 + 공지사항

부동산 목록

골드코스트 | 무비월드옆 옥센퍼드 독방

페이지 정보

작성자 샤론 (139.♡.156.205) 작성일2019-08-30 21:31 조회190회 댓글0건


Hi there. This house is close to M1 near Movie World. 3mins to shopping centre.

5mins to Helensval Westfield.
10mins to new Coomera Westfield.

The price includes all the bill such as electric,water,internet etc.

Brand new $1600 mattress and Queen bed.
if you have back ache or sleeping issues,
It would help

Has swimming pool that ready to jump into.

We are Japanese and Korean.

I have a small dog in the house so if you don’t like it, please do not contact me.

$150 Rent $300 bond

Please feel free to contact me 0421735342 by text.
추천 0 비추천 0


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