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Room rent at South Brissy (Eagleby/Beenleigh) > 부동산

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+ 호주소식 + 교민사회(퀸즈랜드) + 사고팔기 + 구인/구직 + 부동산 + Q&A/자유게시판 + 여행/유학 + 포토갤러리 + 전문가칼럼 + 비지니스 + 업소록 + 쿠폰할인 이벤트 + 공지사항

부동산 목록

브리스번 | Room rent at South Brissy (Eagleby/Beenleigh)

페이지 정보

작성자 Woodsy (123.♡.165.9) 작성일2016-11-08 13:22 조회778회 댓글0건





Here is a 3 bedroom townhouse with a Pool & Gym very close to Eagleby shopping centre and Market place Beenleigh. One room is available direct access to the bathroom.


5 Mins to Beenleigh Station 2 Mins to M1 off-ramp, exit 34.


$150 p/w which includes Internet / Wi-Fi / Electiricity/ Gas / Water / ( rent can be negotiable)


Car parking available at Visitors Parking in front of unit.


If interested, please give a call Holly on 0405 465 000




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