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로비나 독방 쉐어 > 부동산

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부동산 목록

골드코스트 | 로비나 독방 쉐어

페이지 정보

작성자 Robina share (175.♡.11.98) 작성일2019-07-30 15:02 조회272회 댓글0건


로비나 독방 쉐어 $150/w
바로 입주 가능/ 여성분만 가능하세요
일본인 가정 쉐어(남자아이2)

You’ll have your own room and own shower and toilet.
There are near new blanket ,doona , sheets, desk and chair rug and closet in this room.
Wifi and electricity and water are included.

Female adult only, working or students
No party ,No males sleep over please:)

I’m (female) living with my sons (8 years old and 5 years old).
Lots of laughs in this house. :)
We are pretty busy working and school and lessons most of week days.

Please feel free to inspect the room if it suits you.
Thank you :)

Address: 26 hillridge crescent varsity lakes
Phone number: 0400720371
추천 0 비추천 0


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