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Southport Central tower 2 rent for short term > 부동산

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부동산 목록

골드코스트 | Southport Central tower 2 rent for short term

페이지 정보

작성자 Peggy (49.♡.9.190) 작성일2019-03-11 23:08 조회271회 댓글0건


The double room at the tower 2 is available from the 16th of March to the 9th of April.
The room suits for two people or couple.
It has own bathroom not sharing and the rent included bills.
It has our door swimming pools and gyms in the building.
If you would love to have more details please contact wit 0413367652.( messages please)
3월 16일부터 4월 9일까지 센트럴 2 더블룸 단기 구합니다. 두사람이나 커플 가능합니다. 화장실 쉐어없이 본인만 사용합니다. 수영장이랑 짐 사용 가능합니다. 더 알고싶은 분은 0413367652로 연락주세요.
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