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southport many girl rooms near uni > 부동산

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부동산 목록

골드코스트 | southport many girl rooms near uni

페이지 정보

작성자 dylan (60.♡.152.253) 작성일2019-06-22 14:40 조회147회 댓글0건


hi my name is dylan im manager of international boarding house we provide rooms for students and working holidays our house is located at 39 kumbari avenue southport nice modern new house we currently have many rooms avaible . private room $140 per week queen bed . girl share room $120 per week has private bathroom share with filipino girl . and we also have a premium private room $220 per week . our house has fast internet nbn and nice kitchen plenty of fridge space and bbq area . most house mates speak in english we have housemates from australia korea japan phillipines hong kong and singapore nice friendly house 80 percent is girls in building . free on street parking and house has security locks and cctv . nice bathrooms this house is good for people that are traveling together as we have 4 beds avaible . near house has 2 bus stops and 2 tram stations around the corner is the new wooolworths supermarket at the smith collective shopping mall nera griffith university . if you would like to inspect please send dylan txt on 0473342074 for inspection . the best thing about the house is the nice friendly people . 

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