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Gold Coast English Study Group > 자유게시판 & QnA

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+ 호주소식 + 교민사회(퀸즈랜드) + 사고팔기 + 구인/구직 + 부동산 + Q&A/자유게시판 + 여행/유학 + 포토갤러리 + 전문가칼럼 + 비지니스 + 업소록 + 쿠폰할인 이벤트 + 공지사항

자유게시판 & QnA 목록

Gold Coast English Study Group

페이지 정보

작성자 Gold Coast (49.♡.114.60) 작성일2014-01-19 20:05 조회381회 댓글5건


Hello~there :) this is new English study group we invite who wants to learn and speak English. So do not hesitate to join us. Please visit our group in facebook. Seach (Gold Coast English Study Group) then you can see our group.


Lion님의 댓글

Lion 아이피 49.♡.114.60 작성일

One class limmit is 5people.

Lion님의 댓글

Lion 아이피 49.♡.116.236 작성일

I am not a teacher. I just want to try speaking more and learning English. And my ausy girl and swiss girl will join and we will make conversation..

Lion님의 댓글

Lion 아이피 49.♡.116.236 작성일

At least I think better try speaking english than speaking korean all the time.

edy님의 댓글

edy 아이피 14.♡.162.35 작성일

페북에 Gold Coast English Study Group 검색하면 아무것도 안나와요

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