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Free train 2 care programs > 공지사항

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공지사항 목록

Free train 2 care programs

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일2016-10-09 20:35 조회78,490회 댓글0건


Training/employment as the course is open for our multicultural communities. 


We will be supporting people through Foundation skills and Aged Care courses who may want to return to the workforce or face other barriers to study or employment 

(e.g. Language skills or confidence) here at MCCGC.


The course includes a guaranteed placement in an Aged Care facility from which often participants are directly employed and is at no cost to participants if they meet the criteria below.


The courses will be in the Skills for work training (Certificate II) and Individual Support (Certificate III) 25 week commitment for 2 days a week with 3 week placement and extra day of drop in support. The Royal College of Healthcare will be delivering the course.


The next information session will be on the 11th,18th and 25th of January 2017  at MCGCC office (1pm-3.30pm). 


Kind Regards,



Troy Nicholls

Program Coordinator – Train 2 Care

P troyn@mccgc.com.au

M +61437576065



MCCGC - Email Signature - Troy


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