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(Tweed) Whizztel Phone Accessories and Repair > 구인구직

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구인구직 목록

기타 | (Tweed) Whizztel Phone Accessories and Repair

페이지 정보

작성자 whizztel 작성일2017-06-23 21:42 조회468회 댓글0건


Whizztel phone Accessories and Repair  에서 파트타임 직원 모집합니다. 지역은 트위드 입니다.


Location: Tweed City Shopping Centre - Tweed Heads 




We are looking for new Technician staff



Full 2 weeks(about 70hours) of training period, after the period, $19.5/h + 9.5% super.


Fluent skill of English is required.


E-mail. sany1004@gmail.com


Please email your job application according to the form below with your resume. The resume should be formatted by ms-word




Simple cover letter (5 to l0 lines)

Visa condition: permanent visa

Visa expired date: 31/12/2017 (if you are on working holiday visa)

Available working day: any day

Preferred work place: anywhere.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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