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Sales assistant wanted for Goldcoast shopping centre > 구인구직

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구인구직 목록

골드코스트 | Sales assistant wanted for Goldcoast shopping centre

페이지 정보

작성자 R2D2T2 작성일2020-07-01 23:33 조회311회 댓글0건


Sales staff wanted for GoldCoast shopping centre

* We are looking for sales staff for GoldCoast 

* Job is to sell accessories in the shopping centre

* Immediate start and lots of hours for the right individual

* Must have a passion for sales and technology

* Students and working holiday makers welcome to apply

* Experience preferred

* Improve your English, gain valuable work experience and make money at the same time!!!

* Incentive based job where hard and smart work is rewarded.

* Please send your resume to jkt881998@outlook.com or message for an interview.



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