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구인구직 목록

골드코스트 | + 개인과외, 그룹 과외등 여러과목 코칭, Looking for a tutor? +

페이지 정보

작성자 JMS 작성일2012-08-17 00:31 조회317회 댓글0건



현재 그리피스 치대 1학년에 재학 중인 학생입니다.

수업은 한글, 영어 둘다 가능하며 전(all) 학년 영어, 과학, 수학 전 과외를 하고싶으신 분은 연락주세요.

미국 대학교 입학을 원하는 학생을 위해 SAT, 에세이등 입시과정 지도 가능하며 회화나 실생활 영어 코칭가능 합니다.

Mobile: 0435 880 214


I'm currently studying Dentistry at Griffith University in Gold Coast. I'm looking for students who are motivated to learn English, Mathematics, and Science.

I have studied subjects including English literature, World & U.S. History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics (pre-Calculus, Calculus, Algebra II & Trigonometry, Geometry, etc.) equivalent in Math C and B in QLD.

I have also studied in the U.S. so if you're interested in studying in the States, I can guide you through the application process (SAT, application essays).

I would like to offer my help to students from primary up to year 10 in English, Mathematics and science. (For higher grade, please contact me)

I will prepare for the lessons beforehand and I'm willing to spend extra times if necessary.

I'm friendly and dedicated as long as you're willing to learn and challenge yourself in academics.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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