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골드코스트 | 이 문제 풀어주실분 사례할꼐요..

페이지 정보

작성자 ddd 작성일2016-05-16 18:21 조회1,918회 댓글0건



밑에 문제 풀어주실분 사례할께요

액셀보면서 풀어야되는거라 파일첨부 할꼐요

카톡 brightdays77


Question 3


Hint: For this question read the textbook about the great recession (a.k.a the GFC) on page 135 and page 308-309 of the textbook. Page 304 to 305 of the textbook provides some information for Australia Each student is assigned a country. You can find your country in the "Markcentre".


      I.         Go to the following website: http://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=k3s92bru78li6_


    II.         This data is sourced from the IMF's World Economic outlook. Find data for the country you have been assigned to– see mark centre for more information.


  III.         Select "national accounts" and choose "GDP, constant prices, % change", This is real GDP. Select your country  from the list and also select Australia. Choose the years 2004 to 2016 using the ruler at the bottom of the page.  Use  "print screen" to copy and paste them into your assignment document


  IV.         Repeat the same exercise to create a second graph for the unemployment rate - see "People" and "Unemployment rate %"


    V.         Repeat the same exercise to create a third graph for  inflation - see "Money" -> "Inflation, average consumer prices (%):


Question 3A (6 marks)

Use the information from the graphs above and your own research to draw a AD-AS diagram for the country you have been assigned to and Australia at three points in time: 2005, 2007 and 2012.


The AD-AS should clearly show the price level, Real GDP and unemployment rate. Clearly identify either a Recessionary gap, inflationary or the long run equilibrium at the each time point.


Briefly explain what evidence you have used to justify your graph. You may use any information from credible sources (wikipedia and similar websites are NOT credible). We highly recommend using the IMF's World Economic outlook reports from 2004 to 2012 found here:



Question 3B (2 marks)

For the country you have been assigned to (not Australia), do research and explain what happened in the economy between 2005-2007 and 2007-2012. Show how these changes took place by shifting the appropriate lines in a AD-AS diagram.


Question 3C (2 marks)

Based on both research and the above figures, briefly discuss whether the country you have been assigned to and Australia was hurt more by the GFC in terms of changes in real GDP and unemployment.




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