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Blueberry farm in grafton > 구인구직

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구인구직 목록

농장 | Blueberry farm in grafton

페이지 정보

작성자 Brucefuxxcorona 작성일2020-08-17 20:38 조회159회 댓글0건


Hello guys how are you? Recently you have really hard time due to corona virus ... little bit more hang on there!

This is blue berry farm and we’re looking for picker now
We have many private farm ( ikabal farm, corora farm, Grafton dokyo farm ETC..) but it all have different state of fruit so actually i can’t say easily usually how much can get money cuz all people really deferent but if i have to say that on average, over- middle pickers got more$700~$1000 and it start high season soon so probably they may be able to get more money if start high season
*there are not many workers so i think if you come in here you can make money

Rate(almost hold)$3~$4 per 1kg

(How to come in here from VIC)
First you have to let me know your result about corona test 3day before you come in here
And you have to have corona test as soon as arrive in NSW , and you have to have Self-isolate for 14days and you have to have one more corona test.. it’s too hard but it’s government policy ...

You can hire accommodation your self
But if you want you can stay in our accommodation
And house fee is $130 per week
Address : 51 Duncans Rd , Clarenza Nsw 2460

How to connect to us
Number: 0484779206
Kakaotalk: tkd1430
Line: tkd1430
Whatsapp ‪+61 484 779 206


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