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[2014 취업박람회]Sales Assistant / Phone Repair Technician / Merchandising Planner / Retail Buyer > 구인구직

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구인구직 목록

기타 | [2014 취업박람회]Sales Assistant / Phone Repair Technician / Merchandising …

페이지 정보

작성자 취업박람회 작성일2014-10-27 18:41 조회183회 댓글0건


Sales Assistant

- Face to face customer service and building relationships

- Product knowledge

- General cleaning

- Cash handling skills

- Achieve sales targets

- Team work

- Able to multi task

Phone Repair Technician

- Timely and efficient reparks of mobile phones, smart phones and tablets

- Able to work dillgently in producing in quality repairs.

- Carry out quality control test on phones after repair

- Response to requests from customer

- Providing excellent customer service

- Data entry of jobs into system

Mechandising Planner

- Overall responsibillity for inventory levels, stock management and the enhancement of sales

- Organising merchandising process in seasonal period and re-pricing

- Forecasting sales

- Management of weekly / monthly repenishment buys

- Development of all mercnadising plans

Retail Buyer

- Mangement of excess inventory

- Knoledge of shipping documents and processes required to be followed when importing goods from

overseas manufactures and agents

- Minimun of 2 years experience in an important and/or export environment

Excellent verval and written English & Chinese languages and computer knowlege are essential

Employment Type : Full Time

Working Hours : 40 hours /w

Ohter Benefits : Superannuation(9.5%)

돌아오는 목요일 10월 30일 레드펀 스테이션에서 도보 5분거리의 AUSTRALIA TECHNOLOGY PARK에서
작년에 이어 2번째로 '시드니 코리아 취업박람회 2014'가 개최됩니다.

총 39개사가 참여하여 200명이 넘는 취업자리가 마련됩니다.

HAPPYTEL RETAIL GROUP에서 참신한 Sales Assistant / Phone Repair Technician / Merchandising Planner / Retail Buyer를 모집하오니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

공식 홈페이지(www.sydneykoreajobfair.com)를 통하여 무료 티켓을 다운로드 받으시고 지금 바로
HAPPYTEL RETAIL GROUP에 이력서 등록해주세요.(이력서 사전등록은 27일까지 이루어집니다.)

티켓을 다운로드 못받으셨거나 이력서를 지원 못하셨을 경우에도 현장에서 모두 무료 신청, 인터뷰 기회를 제공 받을 수 있으니
잊지말고 참석해 주세요.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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