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Seeking tutor for Essay (Your Major should be laws, journalism, psychology) > 구인구직

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구인구직 목록

브리스번 | Seeking tutor for Essay (Your Major should be laws, journalism, psycho…

페이지 정보

작성자 Kellen 작성일2014-06-30 12:43 조회252회 댓글0건


I'm Koean student, I'd like to study Journalism at UQ.

I prefer to study with Koean tutor.

However, If you have good skill for writing Essay or assignment, Please contact me.

Required :

- professional writing skills
- Logical thinking skills
- Having lots of knowledge and experience widely.
- socialisable person

After trial, I will start studying as soon as possible.

If we can be suitable for each other, I will hold the lesson with youfor a long time.

I am considering to pay $20 per hour during 2 or 3 times per week.

I wish I can seek good tutor. Additionally, I am looking forward to our first meeting! :)

Have a great day.


Email : hyesu.shin@gmail.com
Ph : 0412 059 194

(I can't check text message at the moment because of breaking, Please call me.)


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