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브리스번 | 브리즈번에 새로 오픈하는 요거트 & 디저트 카페에서 직원을 모집합니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 Yujii 작성일2020-05-30 19:18 조회301회 댓글0건


Krazy Yoghurt & Dessert is now hiring employees in Pinelands.

Job requirements:

 1: Full time employees
 --Good English and communication skills
 --Work at least 5 days a week, not less than 40 hours
 -At least 6 months of stable work
 --Preferably have past working experience in the industry such as cafe, juice bar or bubble tea shop etc.
 --Must have valid visa

 2: Part time employees
 -Fluent in English, responsible for work and team
 --Work at least 3 days or more than three shifts per week
 -At least 6 months of stable work
 --Preferably have past working experience in the industry such as cafe, juice bar bubble tea shop etc.
 --Must have valid visa

We will provide training from mid June, working starts from end of June. We offer good pay and staff benefits.

Interested parties please send your resume and attach photos as well as visa status to
bidanning@hotmail.com, tobuluke@gmail.com

Interview invitations will be sent to approved applicants shortly. Thanks


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