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$49 Ear candle with 어깨, 목, 머리 Massage > 비지니스

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비지니스 목록

골드코스트 | $49 Ear candle with 어깨, 목, 머리 Massage

페이지 정보

작성자 귓밥 메일보내기 이름으로 검색 작성일2012-08-15 10:46 조회1,169회 댓글0건


Ear Candling Procedure

During an Ear Candling session you lie on your side with your body in a straight alignment. A special hollow candle is lit and slowly begins to burn. The candle is inserted into a cone then gently placed into your ear canal. The ear candle by its shape, design and length draws ear wax and fungus deposits from deep inside your ear nose and throat canals.

You will only feel the candle being carefully inserted in your ear. You may also hear some crackling and popping, as the ear wax is being drawn from within the ear.

As the ear candling session progresses, extracted ear wax and fungus will be burned off, but a majority will be collected in the bottom part of the candle. After the candle has burned down and been extinguished, the therapist will show you the former contents of your ear canal. Most people cannot believe what has been collected there! Expect to be amazed!
Ear candling will also help the following ailments:


Ringing in the Ears


Ear Infections

Plugged Ears

Chronic Sinusitis

TMJ Dysfunction

Hearing Challenges

Excessive Wax

Inner Ear Pressure

Ear Aches & Pain

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